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Deputy Prime Ministesr: Israel is our inspiration in science, but we have a lot to offer

Added 6/28/2017
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Press release - 28. 6. 2017
On the 26th of June, Pavel Bělobrádek, Deputy Prime Minister for Science, Research and Innovation, have discussed the possibilities for further development of mutual cooperation in the field of science with his Israeli counterpart Ofir Akunis, who was in the Czech Republic on a two-day official visit. Mutual cooperation is currently focused mainly on advanced technology and natural sciences.
Deputy Prime Minister Bělobrádek visited Israel this March, and during this working visit he invited Minister Akunis to the Czech Republic. As part of the planned program in the Czech Republic, the Israeli delegation headed to three top scientific centers. Specifically, the laser center ELI Beamlines in Dolní Břežany, the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (ÚOCHB) of the Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Computer Science, Robotics and Cybernetics (ČIIRK) of the Czech Technical University.