KDU.breadcrumbs.homeNews EU KDU-ČSL: We regret STAN's decision, but we respect it

KDU-ČSL: We regret STAN's decision, but we respect it

Added 7/25/2017
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Press release - 25. 7. 2017
Today´s result of the STAN´s meeting means unnecessary fragmentation of the power of democratic parties and it brings us closer to the "one party´s monopoly" threat.
KDU-ČSL put on the table a fair offer: 6 leaders of the candidates and 8 second places.
The joint candidate of the KDU-ČSL and the STAN movement had the chance to get more votes.
However, KDU-CSL believes that this is not the end of efforts to integrate the central parties, we will definitely continue to form the core of these efforts and we believe that STAN will cooperate with us after the elections.
We will do the best for the best result in the election.