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Member States are united against the Commission

Added 7/4/2017
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Press release - 21. 6. 2017
Tachometer frauds affect up to one third of used cars, which cost customers across the EU, according to conservative estimates, between € 5.6 billion and € 9.6 billion a year. A group of MEPs, led by Tomáš Zdechovský (KDU-ČSL), repeatedly asked the Commission for a pan-European solution that could also protect Czech consumers. However, they have received a negative response, explaining that the solution to the problem lies solely with the Member States jurisdiction. 
"Most countries have already set up their own anti-fraud system, but this works only if the vehicle is still in the country of the original registration. However, common practice is selling abroad, and most often it is manipulated with the history of the vehicle, "says MEP Tomáš Zdechovský and explains the need for a common European database that would significantly simplify the registration of vehicles and thus minimize these unfair practices. Scam would be much easier to find.