KDU.breadcrumbs.homeNews EU The memorandum about the cooperation with Fraunhofer society will boost Czech applied research.

The memorandum about the cooperation with Fraunhofer society will boost Czech applied research.

Added 10/23/2016
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Press release - 19.10.2016
Better collaboration of Czech and German scientist, mutual projects of applied research and better drawing of the European subsidies promises the memorandum about cooperation with Fraunhofer society signed today. The Fraunhofer society is one of the best applied research German institution, that has internationally influence. The collaboration with this brilliant institution is also available for small and medium enterpreneurs. 
Pavel Bělobrádek: ´´A new door opened for Czech researchers and enterpreneurs. A door to prestige international cooperation. We can learn from our german collegue how to implement the results of the research to the reality and how to involve the companies to the research. We don’t want to just pick over the results, we want to create them and increase the prestige of Czech researchers in the world.´´