KDU.breadcrumbs.homeNews EU The ministers of agriculture of Czech Republic and Republic of Slovenia met in Židlochovice

The ministers of agriculture of Czech Republic and Republic of Slovenia met in Židlochovice

Added 10/23/2016
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Press release - 18.10.2016
The ministers, Marian Jurečka and his Slovenian college Dejan Židan, have dealt mainly about the future appearance of the Common agriculture policy after year 2020, the situation on dairy, pork and egg markets or the areal information system. 
Marian Jurečka, in the context of the areal infomation system, has stated that more than 60 % of agriculture areas in Czech Republic is endangered with water erosion. The worst situation should be in mountain areas. He has also presented his belief that both countries can benefit from mutual sharing information, experience and data. The Republic of Slovenia, because of the geographical conditions, has wide experiences with water erosion in mountains areas and Czech Republic disposes with particular databasis about water erosion.

Marian Jurečka: ´´We have noticed a slight recovery on domestic and European pork and egg market. We keep trying to find new ways how to help farmers, so they don´t have to break short the production. I appreciate the package for market support, presented by European Commission in July. We want to double the amount from this package with money from national budget.´´